A Total Commander plugin for opening PDF files

Because PDF files are documents, the plugin turns PDF objects into virtual files.

The plugin is read-only, modification of PDF files is not supported.

Installation of the plugin

  1. Download the wcx_pdf.zip
  2. Locate the wcx_pdf.zip file in Total Commander
  3. Double-click on it with the mouse
  4. Total Commander will tell you that the archive contains a PDF packer plugin and asks whether you want to install it. Click on "Yes".

  5. Next, Total Commander asks where do you want to install the plugin. Just confirm by clicking "OK"
  6. Total Commander will then install the plugin
  7. The plugin should now be fully operational. Try it by locating a PDF file and pressing Ctrl+PageDown on a PDF file (regardless of its extension)

Installation of the plugin (the old way)

  1. Download the wcx_pdf.zip
  2. Create a folder under Total Commander plugins (.\TotalCmd\plugins\wcx\pdf)
  3. Unpack the content of wcx_pdf.zip to that folder
  4. Into the "All files with extension (ending with)" combo box, type "pdf_dat"
  5. Into the "Associate with" edit box, type the full path of the plugin (for example C:\Program Files\Totalcmd\plugins\wcx\pdf\pdf.wcx)
  6. Confirm by clicking "OK"
  7. The plugin should now be fully operational. Try it by locating a PDF file and pressing Ctrl+PageDown on a PDF file (regardless of its extension)
